Animal Therapist
Animal Therapist
- Job popularity
Job Description
Animal therapists provide a therapeutic treatment following veterinary diagnosis or referral..
Top 14 specific things you need to know
As an Animal Therapist, you will need to master following:
- advise on animal welfare
- anatomy of animals
- animal behaviour
- apply animal hygiene practices
- apply safe work practices in a veterinary setting
- assess the animal’s rehabilitation requirements
- biosecurity related to animals
- environmental enrichment for animals
- manage animal biosecurity
- physiology of animals
- plan physical rehabilitation of animals
- prepare animal therapy equipment
- protect health and safety when handling animals
- signs of animal illness
Top 6 general things you need to know
More generally, an animal therapist is also versed in:
Other things it helps to know to be an excellent animal therapist
It also helps to know the following:
- administer hydrotherapy
- advise on long-term care for animals
- animal production science
- assess animal behaviour
- assess animal nutrition
- assess animal's condition
- calculate rates per hours
- collaborate with animal related professionals
- control animal movement
- cope with challenging circumstances in the veterinary sector
- design plans to address undesirable behaviour in animals
- develop an animal handling strategy
- implement training programmes for animals
- interview animal owners on animals' conditions
- maintain animal accommodation
- maintain veterinary clinical records
- make decisions regarding the animal's welfare
- manage animal welfare
- perform massage techniques on animals
- prescribe physical therapy to animals
- provide osteopathic treatment to animals
- provide support to veterinary clients
- safe work practices in a veterinary setting
- safely interact with animals
- select animals for training
- take advantage of learning opportunities in veterinary science
- treat animals ethically
- understand the animal's situation
- use animal chiropractic techniques
- use physiotherapy for treatment of animals
- veterinary terminology
- apply numeracy skills
- communicate with customers
- provide mentorship
- use different communication channels
Top employers for this job
Animal Therapist (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd
$250 - $800 / month
Full Time
- Keywords :
- Ui designer,
- developer