Foreign Exchange Trader

Foreign Exchange Trader
- Job popularity
Job Description
Foreign exchange traders buy and sell foreign currencies in order to secure a profit on fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. They undertake technical analysis of economic information (market liquidity and volatility ) to predict the future rates of currencies on the foreign exchange market. They trade on their own name or for their employers..
Top 3 specific things you need to know
As a Foreign Exchange Trader, you will need to master following:
Top 10 general things you need to know
More generally, a foreign exchange trader is also versed in:
Other things it helps to know to be an excellent foreign exchange trader
It also helps to know the following:
- actuarial science
- international commercial transactions rules
- accounting
- advise on financial matters
- banking activities
- financial products
- international trade
- maintain records of financial transactions
- monitor stock market
- operate financial instruments
- perform stock valuation
- securities
- statistics
- stock market
- trace financial transactions
- trade securities
Top employers for this job

Foreign Exchange Trader (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd
$250 - $800 / month
- Keywords :
- Ui designer,
- developer