Leather Goods Finishing Operator

Leather Goods Finishing Operator
  • Job popularity
  • 4.8
Job Description

Leather goods finishing operators organise leather goods products to be finished applying different types of finishing, e.g. creamy, oily, waxy, polishing, plastic-coated, etc. They use tools, means and materials to incorporate the handles and metallic applications in bags, suitcases, and other accessories. They study the sequence of operations according to the information received from the supervisor and from the technical sheet of the model. They apply techniques for ironing, creaming or oiling, for the application of liquids for waterproofing, leather washing, cleaning, polishing, waxing, brushing, burning tips, remotion of glue waste, and painting the tops following technical specifications. They also check visually the quality of the finished product by paying close attention to the absence of wrinkles, straight seams, and cleanliness. They correct anomalies or defects that can be solved by finishing and reported to the supervisor..

Other things it helps to know to be an excellent leather goods finishing operator
Top employers for this job
Leather Goods Finishing Operator (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
  • Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd

  • California

  • $250 - $800 / month

Full Time Urgent Private

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