Leather Goods Quality Control Laboratory Technician

Leather Goods Quality Control Laboratory Technician
  • Job popularity
  • 4.8
Job Description

Leather goods quality control laboratory technicians perform laboratory control tests according to the national and international standards. During laboratory control tests they prepare samples, address test procedures, analysis and interpretation of the results and comparison with guidelines and standards and prepare reports. They make the linkage with outsourced laboratories for the tests which cannot be performed inside the company. They propose corrective and preventive measures..

Top 3 general things you need to know
Other things it helps to know to be an excellent leather goods quality control laboratory technician
Top employers for this job
Leather Goods Quality Control Laboratory Technician (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
  • Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd

  • California

  • $250 - $800 / month

Full Time Urgent Private

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