Odds Compiler

Odds Compiler
  • Job popularity
  • 4.8
Job Description

Odds compilers are in charge of counting the odds in gambling. They are employed by a bookmaker, betting exchange, lotteries and digital/on-line as well as casinos who set the odds for events (such as sporting outcomes) for customers to place bets on. Apart from pricing markets, they also engage in any activity regarding the trading aspects of gambling, such as monitoring customer accounts and the profitability of their operations. Odds compilers may be required to monitor the financial position the bookmaker is in and adjust their position (and odds) accordingly. They may also be consulted as to whether to accept a bet or not..

Top 2 general things you need to know

More generally, an odds compiler is also versed in:

Other things it helps to know to be an excellent odds compiler
Top employers for this job
Odds Compiler (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
  • Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd

  • California

  • $250 - $800 / month

Full Time Urgent Private

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