Protective Clothing Apparel Manufacturer

Protective Clothing Apparel Manufacturer
  • Job popularity
  • 4.8
Job Description

Protective clothing apparel manufacturers produce personal protective equipment (PPE) made of textiles. They produce wearing apparel resistant to different hazards, e.g. thermal, physical, electrical, biological, and chemical, etc., high visibility warming clothing, protective against cool, cold, rain, UV solar radiation, etc. They follow standards and assess the fulfilment of requirements..

Top 1 general things you need to know

More generally, a protective clothing apparel manufacturer is also versed in:

Other things it helps to know to be an excellent protective clothing apparel manufacturer
Top employers for this job
Protective Clothing Apparel Manufacturer (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
  • Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd

  • California

  • $250 - $800 / month

Full Time Urgent Private

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