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Job Description

Psychotherapists assist and treat healthcare users with varying degrees of psychological, psychosocial, or psychosomatic behavioural disorders and pathogenic conditions by means of psychotherapeutic methods. They promote personal development and well-being and provide advice on improving relationships, capabilities, and problem-solving techniques. They use science-based psychotherapeutic methods such as behavioural therapy, existential analysis and logotherapy, psychoanalysis or systemic family therapy in order to guide the patients in their development and help them search for appropriate solutions to their problems. Psychotherapists are not required to have academic degrees in psychology or a medical qualification in psychiatry. It is an independent occupation from psychology, psychiatry, and counselling..

Top 45 specific things you need to know

As a Psychotherapist, you will need to master following:

Top employers for this job
Psychotherapist (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
  • Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd

  • California

  • $250 - $800 / month

Full Time Urgent Private

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