Special Educational Needs Itinerant Teacher

Special Educational Needs Itinerant Teacher
  • Job popularity
  • 4.8
Job Description

Special educational needs itinerant teachers instruct disabled or sick children in their homes. They are specialised teachers employed by (public) schools to teach those unable to physically attend school, but also to assist the student, the parents and the school in their communication. They also fulfil the function of a social school worker by helping the students and parents with a student's potential behavioural issues and enforce, if necessary, school attendance regulations. In case of a possible physical (re)admission to school, visiting teachers advise the school regarding suitable classroom guidance strategies and advisable teaching methods to support the student and make the transition as agreeable as possible..

Top 1 specific things you need to know

As a Special Educational Needs Itinerant Teacher, you will need to master following:

Top employers for this job
Special Educational Needs Itinerant Teacher (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
  • Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd

  • California

  • $250 - $800 / month

Full Time Urgent Private

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