Visual Arts Teacher
Visual Arts Teacher
- Job popularity
Job Description
Visual arts teachers instruct students in various styles of visual arts, such as drawing, painting, and sculpting, in a recreational context. They provide students with an overview of art history, but primarily utilise a practice-based approach in their courses, in which they assist students to experiment with and master different artistic techniques, and encourage them to develop their own style..
Top 6 specific things you need to know
As a Visual Arts Teacher, you will need to master following:
Top 17 general things you need to know
More generally, a visual arts teacher is also versed in:
- adapt teaching to student's capabilities
- apply teaching strategies
- assist students in their learning
- assist students with equipment
- consult students on learning content
- demonstrate when teaching
- develop a coaching style
- encourage students to acknowledge their achievements
- give constructive feedback
- guarantee students' safety
- manage student relationships
- observe student's progress
- perform classroom management
- prepare lesson content
- select subject matter
- stimulate creativity in the team
- teach arts principles
Other things it helps to know to be an excellent visual arts teacher
It also helps to know the following:
- art history
- assess conservation needs
- create sculptures
- create sketches
- develop educational activities
- facilitate teamwork between students
- gather reference materials for artwork
- manage different ceramic firing techniques
- manage resources for educational purposes
- monitor art scene developments
- operate a ceramics kiln
- paint sets
- participate in artistic mediation activities
- present exhibition
- types of pottery material
- use artistic materials for drawing
- use digital illustration techniques
- use painting techniques
- assess students
- assessment processes
- copyright legislation
- curriculum objectives
- develop curriculum
- graphic design
- keep personal administration
- manage budgets
- perform image editing
- provide lesson materials
- types of paint
Top employers for this job
Visual Arts Teacher (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd
$250 - $800 / month
- Keywords :
- Ui designer,
- developer