Relationship Banking Manager

Relationship Banking Manager
- Job popularity
Job Description
Relationship banking managers retain and expand existing and prospective customer relationships. They use cross-selling techniques to advise and sell various banking and financial products and services to customers. They also manage the total relationship with customers and are responsible for optimising business results and customer satisfaction..
Top 8 specific things you need to know
As a Relationship Banking Manager, you will need to master following:
Top 17 general things you need to know
More generally, a relationship banking manager is also versed in:
- advise on financial matters
- apply technical communication skills
- create a financial plan
- enforce financial policies
- financial analysis
- financial jurisdiction
- financial management
- financial markets
- financial products
- financial statements
- follow company standards
- liaise with managers
- obtain financial information
- plan health and safety procedures
- provide cost benefit analysis reports
- provide financial product information
- strive for company growth
Other things it helps to know to be an excellent relationship banking manager
It also helps to know the following:
- foreign valuta
- inform on interest rates
- monitor loan portfolio
- principles of insurance
- accounting techniques
- advise on credit rating
- analyse financial performance of a company
- analyse financial risk
- analyse market financial trends
- apply credit risk policy
- assist in loan applications
- build business relationships
- business loans
- business management principles
- communicate with banking professionals
- conduct financial audits
- economics
- ensure compliance with company regulations
- examine credit ratings
- manage financial risk
- monitor stock market
- mortgage loans
- negotiate with stakeholders
- operate financial instruments
- present reports
- securities
- tax legislation
- types of insurance
Top employers for this job

Relationship Banking Manager (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd
$250 - $800 / month
- Keywords :
- Ui designer,
- developer