Insurance Product Manager

Insurance Product Manager
- Job popularity
Job Description
Insurance product managers set and direct the development of new insurance products, following the product lifecycle policy and the general insurance strategy. They also coordinate the marketing and sales activities related to the specific insurance products of the company. Insurance product managers inform their sales managers (or the sales department) about their newly developed insurance products..
Top 6 specific things you need to know
As an Insurance Product Manager, you will need to master following:
Top 21 general things you need to know
More generally, an insurance product manager is also versed in:
- advise on financial matters
- analyse financial performance of a company
- analyse financial risk
- analyse market financial trends
- create a financial plan
- create insurance policies
- enforce financial policies
- financial analysis
- financial management
- financial products
- financial statements
- follow company standards
- insurance law
- insurance market
- liaise with managers
- manage financial risk
- marketing management
- plan health and safety procedures
- plan marketing campaigns
- strive for company growth
- types of insurance
Other things it helps to know to be an excellent insurance product manager
It also helps to know the following:
Top employers for this job

Insurance Product Manager (0-2 Yrs Exp.)
Prereqs Technology Pvt.Ltd
$250 - $800 / month
- Keywords :
- Ui designer,
- developer